Member Renewal Form

Current Personal Info

Membership Renewal for 2024-25 School Year

For the 2024-2025 school year…
If you would like update your engagement preferences for the 2024-2025 school year, please select them below:
Serving as a mentor understanding:

Updated Personal Info

Street Mailing Address
Street Mailing Address

Maximum file size: 10MB

Maximum file size: 10MB

Renewals and membership dues must be submitted by the March 1st deadline. 

Membership Fees

We graciously request a minimum annual membership gift of $1000 to support our mentoring program, scholarship fund, and events for girls and young women. We are deeply grateful for the resources you share that make our work sustainable and impactful. You will be taken to PayPal to complete payment as part of this application process.

Membership Fee Level (Donation Amount)
*Donation amount will be charged in full, at once.
*Donation amount will be split into 12 payments, with the first payment being today.

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