A Note from Erin,
“Girls Give Back!” was a fantastic event; thanks to all of you! We packaged 500 kits with period products, hairbrushes, toothpaste, and toothbrushes that were delivered to the Navajo Nation and the homeless teen center at Volunteers of America. Thank you again, Tanner Glass and Dentive, for sponsoring this event. We had over 250 members and mentees attend the event, and we were able to hear great stories and advice from our panel Brooke Lenzen, Kristin Andrus, Abi Myers, and Kirsten Rappleye. Thank you for the takeaways! |

Membership Application Coming Soon
We will be taking applications to be a member of Women Who Succeed beginning January 10 and closing on February 28, 2023. This timeframe is deliberate as we need to know who wants to be a mentor starting in May. The selection of mentees begins at about that time and involves the young women completing applications, having interviews, submitting bios, etc. We carefully hand-match every mentee with each woman who chooses to be a mentor, and it is quite a lift. Then the matching begins! We want everyone set in place for our first required in-person event, which will be our Women Who Succeed conference on May 13, 2022. We will send out calendar invites with Eventbrite links for you to RSVP. Watch for an email from Women Who Succeed around January 1 with an invitation to join us again in 2023!
Native American Heritage
In November, we celebrate Native American Heritage month to honor the rich and resilient cultures of Indigenous people who have contributed greatly to improving the nation’s character. This month is also referred to as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. November is the time to rejoice in diverse and rich cultures, histories, and traditions and to appreciate the great contributions of the Native Americans.
Mentee Highlight: Cameron Nez

Cameron Nez is from Kanab, UT. She is the third oldest of 4 kids. She played numerous sports in high school, such as volleyball, basketball, and track. Cameron loves helping others in any way possible and loves being outside and traveling. She has gone throughout the United States but never left the country and hopes to travel to Fiji, Paris, and Italy one day. To be able to learn about different cultures around the world. Cameron loves to read, watch movies, play sports, cook, and bake during her time off. She is currently attending the University of Utah.
Mentee Highlight: Rudy Valles

Women Who Succeed First Round Scholarships: APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN!
Mentees are now able to apply for the first round of WWS Scholarships! Applications will be open through Friday, November 18, at 5 pm MST. Any applications sent in after November 18 at 5 pm MST will not be reviewed or considered for scholarships. Please note that mentees have already received the Application and Guideline documents.
We offer a huge thanks to the WWS members participating on our Scholarship Selection Committee and mentors taking the time to write letters of recommendation!
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for the WWS Round 1 Scholarships, Mentees must:
- Must be actively engaged in monthly mentor meetings (has attended or will attend at least 3 of the 4 monthly meetings between September 2022 and December 2022).
- Must be a high school senior or enrolled in post-high school education as a freshman, sophomore, or junior when applying for a Women Who Succeed scholarship.
- Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
- Must digitally submit the full and complete scholarship packet to Women Who Succeed by the deadline of November 18, 2022, at 5 pm (MST). No additional applications will be accepted following this deadline.
Application packet
Mentees are required to submit the following documents. We request that you support your mentee(s) in their application by timely providing your letter of recommendation! You are welcome to either provide the letter of recommendation to your mentee(s) or email it directly to the WWS team.
❑ Scholarship Application (sections A and B filled out in its entirety, Statement of Accuracy signed and dated)
❑ Current Resume
❑ School Transcript (official or unofficial)
❑ Letter of Recommendation from applicant’s assigned Women Who Succeed mentor
❑ Letter of Recommendation from a current teacher, professor, or administrator
❑ Typed Personal Essay (between 550-1000 words TOTAL)
We HEAR Her Podcast

Our Women Who Succeed have been busy sharing their stories, insights, and lessons learned in our We HEAR Her Podcast Series. Listen here and subscribe to our weekly episodes released on the following platforms:
Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-hear-her/id1593067124
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/0gF5UkGzoYEYU6LjYqk9Mn
RSS https://rss.com/podcasts/wehearher/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXide1x34wM6q3Zj08ZmjO_h5taHcHKce