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We HEAR Her is a podcast highlighting stories and lessons learned from our colorful network of Women Who Succeed. We believe that women empower women by sharing their experiences and are impactful changemakers when they serve as role models to girls following in their path. So, listen in women and girls of Utah, we can’t wait for you to hear her!

Rick Folkerson, President of Success in Education, has used his sales training and personal passion for education to uplift the charitable mission of the Garff Family. Listen in as he describes how his granddaughter, Millie, helped Rick Folkerson, President of Success in Education, has used his sales training and personal passion for education to uplift the charitable mission of the Garff Family. Listen in as he describes how his granddaughter, Millie, helped him see the true importance of uplifting the Women Who Succeed initiative, making sure that girls have the same equitable opportunities as boys. Thank you for seeing the value in our work and perspective, and being an ally in a very male-dominated industry.

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